Saturday 12 February 2022

The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

Why Neoliberal economics is entirely wrong.


  1. Spoken like an unrepentant State Capitalist. All we need to do now is to elevate our aggregate efficiencies to the global level!

  2. I agree that NH's 'remedies' don't amount to much.

    But the analysis of where Neoliberalism goes wrong seems entirely correct. For that reason I still propose to disseminate vids like that far and wide.

    Too many people remain in the dark wrt what caused their expropropriation (they're called 'Trump supporters' and 'Brexiteers', BTW!)

    1. It's correct alright. But it's because economists believe in aggregate efficiencies. There are no petit bourgeoisie anymore. There are only "state capitalists". Efficiency uber alles... especially those of "scale".

    2. I used to work for Bethlehem Steel when they were "vertically integrating" the shipbuilding industry. The made EVERYTHING that went on those ships, from the smallest valve to the largest turbine.

    3. It's almost always about scale. Big is good, small is bad (Time stamp 1:20).
