Thursday 11 November 2021

Big Think: America's anti-science problem


  1. So being pro-science means applauding more Wuhan lab leaks? Who knew?

    Science is NOT always an unmitigated "good".

  2. In the sci-fi genre, science IS the magic of past-belief.

  3. "Science is NOT always an unmitigated "good"."

    Who ever said so?

    To be clear: it sisn't.

    But science denial, as it is peddled wholesale in the USA is both ridiculous and wrong. And dangerous...

    1. It isn't peddled "wholesale", it's selective. Take the Amish/ Mennonites for example. They don't deny science, they deny technologies that prevent self-sufficiency.... like "electricity" from a grid owned by others and from whom you are "dependent" to maintain your livelihood... or buying gasoline or car parts that that they can't produce themselves.

      People pick and choose their "science goods" and denigrate their "science bads"... and its' usually related to buttering their own bread.

    2. ps - As for the internet, I denigrate the "society of control" upon which it operates, but love the ability it gives me to interact with other. I don't denounce anyone with the foresight to operate without it, just as I operate without a cell phone. I can "unplug" from the hyper-reality enslaving many others. That doesn't make me anti-science.

    3. Why does the Left deny nuclear power as the solution to the global warming problem? Solar panels and windmills will never supply the quantities of energy need for civilizational "progress" to occur (Carnot's theory that progress cannot happen without employing ever-denser energy sources).

  4. Why does the Left deny nuclear power as the solution to the global warming problem?

    Firsly, you deny ACC, so it's a moot point.

    But the left is hardly monolytical about that. Hinkly Point was decided be a Labour Gubmint.

    France and Belgium have the highest shares of NE of all countries, they're hardly rightwing societies.

    I'm in favour of NE as a stop gap until fusion comes online.

    As regards the Mennonites, don't make me laugh: that's a vanishingly small group.

    When I started my pub I had enormous choice as to whom to buy my utilities from.

    I can "unplug" from the hyper-reality enslaving many others. ROFLOL. Where do you get your leccy from?
