Sunday 13 October 2019

Wormwood (Netflix)

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.
Wormwood is told through Eric Olson, the son of Frank Olson, an American biological warfare scientist and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, who died under mysterious circumstances in 1953.
Nine days after Olson was covertly dosed with LSD by his CIA supervisor as part of Project MKUltra, he plunged to his death from the window of a hotel room in New York City. His death was initially regarded as a suicide, but subsequent investigations have raised questions of a coverup of an alleged murder.[3][4]

Wormwood is interesting on many levels and not in the least because it references a multitude of CIA projects and operations:

  • Project MKULTRA
  • Project ARTICHOKE
  • Operation PBSUCCESS (Guatemala)
  • Phoenix program
  • Alleged use of germ warfare against N.Korea
  • The Rockefeller report on the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies within the United States.

    It's now believed that Olson had extensive knowledge of MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE and strongly disagreed with these activities. For this he was murdered and a coverup story involving LSD and depression, resulting in suicide, concocted.


    1. Some days I think I overestimate the CIA's reach but the truth is I probably underestimate it...

      1. I suspect we all do. Same holds for MI-6 and the City of London, Corp.

    2. Good series, even if a bit too repetetive at times.
