Friday 4 March 2022

That Victoria Nuland - Geoffrey Pyatt leaked phone conversation... (2014)

This is what regime change sounds like:

H/T: Farmer


  1. People may hate Trump... but he certainly wasn't this stupid!

    1. I recommend you play the video in the link above of Lindsey Graham speaking to Ukrainian soldiers in early 2017...

  2. Replies
    1. I'm inclined to say 'incredible!' but nothing like that is incredible when it involves Graham/McCain.

      Of the former I ALWAYS wonder: 'who the HELL elects those people?!?' This was also the guy who suggested to forget about any legal discovery/history that preceded the WoT and the Patriot Act.

      Trump was far from wrong on everything but lacked the temperament of a centrist POTUS. I'm not sure what was expected from a fickle reality show presenter...

    2. Again, thanks for that link. Great vid too!

    3. Thw day Mordor quits meddling in the RoW it will be a glorious day for both RoW and Mordor.

      Does it say somewhere in your (excellent) Constitution: 'Thou shall't forever Meddle'?

    4. I'm more a "Federalist Papers" Constitutional advocate... for it was FULL of admonitions to AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS!!!!!

      It's why I'm such a big supporter of KY Senator Rand Paul and his father. They may be Libertarians, but they got US foreign relations right.

    5. I'm sure that you already knew, but if others don't, the Federalist Papers were newspaper columns written before the adoption of the US Constitution in NY newspapers advocating for its' adoption.

    6. The Papers argued for State-led militias and against a standing national army. Republicans abandoned those principles after the US Civil War in 1865. A "Republican" mistake, IMO, despite the dangers of secession.

    7. The US Post-Civil War Reconstruction period sewed the seeds for the post-WWII Empire phase of American Imperialism. But then again, you may NOT have had the US as an ally in WWI/II without the change.

    8. The Greek phrase "Meden agan" comes to mind.

    9. … and in the name of "truth in advertising", I think that the victors in the US Civil War should have been forced to pass a Constitutional Amendment striking the final 's' on the country's name, for we are now the United STATE of America. The enforcement mechanisms for individual state(s) rights no longer exist.
