Friday, 14 May 2021

The IfNotNow Movement

IfNotNow is building a movement of Jews to end Israel’s occupation and transform the American Jewish community.

We are organizing every day to expose the occupation as a moral crisis to American Jews, end the weaponization of antisemitism in our political debate over Israel, and create political space for leaders to stand up for the freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians.

We are building a vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community, across generations and organizational affiliations. This movement is open to any who seek to shift the American Jewish public and our political leaders towards a hopeful vision for Israelis and Palestinians.

As we were dehumanized by the oppression we faced, we are now dehumanized by that which we are inflicting. The occupation is a daily nightmare for those who live under it and a moral disaster for those who support and administer it. As a movement, we understand the Occupation as Israel’s military rule over Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. We also know that the discrimination and displacement inside Israel's 1948 borders are connected to its rule in those Occupied Territories. This system of violence deprives all Palestinians of civil, political, and economic rights.

Get involved (click here)


  1. Sorry, I'm in the "Stop giving Palestinians money" camp. Biden gives the Palestinians a couple hundred million, and days later, 2,000 missiles are on their way to Israel.

  2. The US gave Israel $3.8 Bn last year. What do you think they do with the money, buy sweets for the kids? Build schools?

    Being pro-Israel is inculcated into Americans from birth and you're just another boring manifestation of that.

    The various American pro-Israel groups are an astonishing example of what can be achieved by advanced propaganda techniques.

    1. Where do you think all of America's "really" high tech weapons come from, the National Labs? lol!

  3. 'missiles'? Unguided stovepipes more like...

  4. {i}Sorry, I'm in the "Stop giving Palestinians money" camp.[/i]

    The $ M 200-300 that the US donates to 'the Palestinians' goes to the PA, not Hamas. If it was otherwise the US Gubmint would be in severe breach of its own rules (remember the 'Holy Land Foundation' debacle?)

  5. $ M 200-300 P/A, to be clear.

    1. The PA and Hamas don't see eye to eye. No US money ends up in Hamas' hands: if it did the US would put the PA in the dock immediately.

      Hamas' money is probably from taxes and Iran.

  6. I believe Israel recently spent near $1 Bn on weaponry in 'one-stop-arms-shop', the US.

  7. Hamas doesn't tax the PA?

    Blinkie stated categorically today that they would try anything possible to keep reconstruction money out of Hamas' hands.
