Saturday 3 August 2019

Meet (another!) Russian Mole: Tulsi Gabbard

They're everywhere and clearly hiding in plain sight!

The Democrat party and their media stenographers have one play in the playbook at this point and it’s Russia.

Anything they don’t like is Russia’s fault. Anyone they don’t like is a Russian agent. Do you eat hamburgers? You’re probably a Russian sympathizer according to The Washington Post. Everything is blamed on Russia, no matter how nonsensical the charge is.

We’ve seen this play out most recently with the #MoscowMitch hashtag and numerous media outlets rushing to telling us that Mitch McConnell is actually Putin’s puppet. It never stops and that means it’s not going to stop in the Democratic primaries either.

As I wrote this morning, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard absolutely wrecked Kamala Harris at the debate last night.

WajahatAli (Twitter) Beware the Russian bots and their promotion of Tulsi Gabbard and sowing racial dischord, especially around Kamala Harris.
Richard Stengel (Twitter) This is a clear example of Russian disinformation happening in real time. A hashtag created & promoted by Russia Today against Kamala Harris & supporting Rep. Gabbard, who is an apologist for another Putin puppet, Bashar Assad. This is a sign that Harris is seen as a threat

Wait, you mean to tell me that Russia Today reported on the most explosive exchange at the debate? The same exchange that ever other media outlet on earth reported on? Well, this changes everything. I’ll also note that Stengal has no proof that Russia started the #KamalaHarrisDestroyed hashtag. It’s a baseless accusation that mirrors many other baseless claims about evil Russians controlling social media.

Harris’ campaign also got directly involved. Here’s her Press Sec. weighing in.

Ian Sams (Twitter) Reporters writing their stories with eyes on the modern-day assignment desk of Twitter, read this:
"The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat"

You see, it couldn’t just be that Kamala Harris a terrible politician who has no business running for President. No, the only reason Gabbard attacked her is because the Russians made her do it. Do you sense trend yet? Anytime anyone threatens mainstream Democratic thought, it’s always the Kremlin’s fault. Funny how that works.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who’s never met a conspiracy theory she didn’t love, chimed in as well.

Joy Reid (Twitter) It is notable that her purpose in these debates has been specifically to take Harris down.

That’s called having a debate, Joy. That’s what the purpose of that gathering last night was.

Here’s the reality. If Gabbard goes after Biden, she only helps Harris stay ahead of her. The way you claw your way into a race with many people is to go after those standing between you and the front runner. This isn’t new or revolutionary to most people. To Democrats, it’s proof of a Russian disinformation campaign to take down the unimpeachable Kamala Harris.

These people are crazy and this is a preview of the general election. Every single bit of positive news for Donald Trump is going to be blamed on the Russians. We are going to get countless evidence free think pieces about Russian trolls, bots, and social media campaigns. All of this will be spun to paint Trump as being helped by the Russians. You can also bet there will be some fresh conspiracy theories dealing with Russian contacts by the Trump campaign. Why? Because they have nothing to actually run on.



  1. I have been seeing a lot of Tulsi ads lately...

    1. Google/FB thinks you're a lefty! (So much for AI!) ;-)

    2. American politics is certainly vicious and dirty. No one is more quilfy to be the president of the United States than Tulsi Gabbard. How dare anyone calling her a Russian mole when she served 2 tours in Iraq and no one in the military utter a word that Tulsi Gabbard was suspected to be a Russian agent. Only the dirty and spineless politicians in D.C.would .
